Here, you will find links to other websites that I find worth a mention for one reason or another. (I won’t link the obvious ones like Google, YouTube, Wikipedia, etc.) There may be more to come.

Stress Less with Scribes and Friends – Run partially by a good friend of mine, this site is intended to collect things for stress relief and coping with anxiety, depression, and other stressful mental conditions. (also known as “Merin Essi ar Quenteli!”) – Another site run by one of my friends. This one is intended to be a resource for people wishing to learn more about J. R. R. Tolkien’s constructed languages (and in particular, the Elvish languages) or even learn the languages themselves. – A site that I sort of stumbled upon, not related to any friends or particular interests, but it’s entertaining enough. It was also one of the major inspirations for this site, in fact. If you like honest reviews of works of media, Codie has done a number of those. (Though if you’re concerned with family-friendliness, I should give a language warning.)

The Raiblog – A blog owned by a person who goes by the username Raibys, who is quite the creative sort and loves cute things and robots (hey, who doesn’t like cute things and robots?), as well as drawing and coming up with fictional worlds and characters. There’s some neat stuff to be found here if you like fantasy artwork and the like.

Entanma Project – A site owned by both Raibys and her partner Azure, this focuses more on projects that the two of them do, including game development; together, the two form the indie studio Nuclear Productions, creator of the game Copy Kitty (and others in the future).

In the Pipeline – A blog written by a pharmaceutical chemist with a sense of humor. In particular, I found it via the “Things I Won’t Work With” entries. Could be worth a read if you like chemistry.