From a Mind of Eternal Chaos

A place where I post whatever happens to strike my fancy

Minor status update 16: The best-laid plans of mice and men… — February 27, 2018

Minor status update 16: The best-laid plans of mice and men…

Well, it seems that February has been a month of things not really going according to how I would have liked them. For starters, I had been intending to make two posts here this month. I was going to do something for Valentine’s Day, but I had kind of a friend breakup (or rather, “friend”) that day and, as a result, didn’t really feel like writing about love. The other post I had to push back because part of it involved getting together for a thing with friends, and they can’t seem to get their butts in gear enough for us to actually find a good time to do it. Beyond that, yesterday in particular wasn’t a great day for things actually turning out how they were supposed to, between having to reschedule a job interview and some MTG-related previews being, in my opinion, really underwhelming. Still, though, I did get to do the interview today, and I finally managed to continue my LP project, so that’s something. With any luck, the pushed-back post won’t be too long coming.